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Sedona Arts Center - A non profit organization whose mission it is to provide arts education and establish an appreciation of the arts which will emphasize Sedona as an artistic community and facilitate artists' development.
ArtWorks Academy of Performing Arts - An organization devoted to enriching the lives of youth through the power of the arts.
European League of Institutes of the Arts - Founded in 1990 the (ELIA) represents a network of major art education institutions and universities in 47 countries with over 250,000 art students.
Arts in Education Institute - Professional development and resource materials for a range of special projects which benefit teaching artists, performing artists, students, art schools & beyond.
The Institute for the Arts in Education - Comprehensive and ongoing programs for the arts and arts education.
The Getty Research Institute - The Getty Research Institute is dedicated to furthering knowledge and advancing understanding of the visual arts.
The Banff Centre - The Banff Centre is Canada's creative leader in arts and culture.
Institute for Art Education - The IAE explores cultural theories, artistic practices and subject-specific theory construction within the context of a knowledge-based society.

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I live for the days I canŽt remember with the friends IŽll never forget. Garry Orriss 1987