We receive a great deal of mail inquiring about Garry, his work and related products. In order to give you a better understanding about the nature of this website, we have included twenty of your most frequently asked questions. If for any reason we have not answered your question please feel free to contact us at:
We would love to here from you!
1. Countries we ship toWe ship worldwide and have agents on three continents. This saves you delays in shipping, time and money. We frequently ship to the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Dubai, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, The Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the U.S.A. If you live outside of these countries and would like to have an artwork or poster sent to you please contact one of our regional offices in either:
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The Americas:
Asia Pacific Region:
2. Payment methods
We accept the following payment options:
- PayPal.*
- Money Orders.*
- Money Transfer.*
- Payment in cash.*
To send your order by either mail or fax you need to first download a copy of our order form in English or German.
* Please note that our payment options can vary from continent to continent, for more information contact us here.
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North and South America (Zone 1)
GoArt-America is pleased to announce the construction of our U.S office. When up and running we look forward to exporting throughout the Americas and to the rest of the world. Until the transition is complete customers are asked to make their purchases through Zone 2 or Zone 3. To offset this inconvenience all U.S, Canadian and South American customers will receive a 20% discount on any poster purchase made. For more information go to Zone 2 or Zone 3 or contact us directly at:
 | Click here
*Shipping prices are subject to change without notice.
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Europe and Beyond (Zone 2)
Purchase and delivery charges within Germany and throughout ZONE 2 are to the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Azorean, Belgium, Denmark, Faro Islands, Finland, France, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Ireland, Italy, Corsica, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Madera, Monaco, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic, Vatican City, The United Kingdom and beyond. In fact we ship worldwide! Click here to see our European & Worldwide Shipping prices. Please note that payment is in Euros only, and all works are sent from our Berlin office within 24 - 48 hours. For further enquiries contact us at:
 | Click here
*Shipping prices are subject to change without notice.
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Asia Pacific Region (Zone 3)
Our shipping prices and delivery within the Asian Pacific region are to the following countries: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and Taiwan. If you live outside of these countries and would like to have an artwork or poster sent to you please Contact us first. All prices are in Australian Dollars only and works are sent from our Sydney office within 24 - 48 hours. For further enquiries or for wholesale poster sales contact us at:
 | Click here
*Shipping prices are subject to change without notice.
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4. Is it safe to use my credit card?
Yes, GoArt.com uses the worlds most advanced Secure Socket Layers (SSL) technology. Verisign's 128-bit SSL security is used by banks and the world's largest companies to conduct secure transactions over the internet. Encryption is a way of scrambling messages so they cannot be read without the use of encryption keys and Verisign's 128-bit SSL security has the world's strongest encryption rate. When you make a purchase on GoArt.com we use this encrypted communication channel between your computer browser and our website. Your credit card details and personal information are protected throughout the entire process so you can rest assured that your online transactions and information are safe from third party interception. For more information about encryption please go to section: § 4. Security.
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5. Can I place an order by phone?
Currently not at the moment, though we will soon have this service up and running. In the mean time we suggest that you make your online purchases using your credit card.
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6. Do I have to pay sales tax?
For international orders duty and taxes may apply and these may be billed to you separately by your postal service. This can vary from country to country and on the amount of your purchase, we suggest that you inform yourself first by contacting your post office.
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7. Can I track my order?
When an item is sent you will be notified by us and given a link to the carrier as well as a Tracking Order Number. With this T.O.N. you can follow your order online from GoArt.com right to your door using the carrier's own tracking tools. Please Note! This service is for national and international express orders only and should not be confused with a standard purchase. At an extra charge we can convert any standard order to this.
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8. How long will it take for my order to arrive?
After payment has been received we will notify you and your order will be sent within 12 to 48 hours. Postal times vary from country to country and because of heightened security worldwide international orders may take up to three weeks to arrive.
Please Note!
Major Works: When purchasing major works your work is sent to you with a worldwide priority express delivery service such as FedEx, UPS or DHL. You can follow this order online using the carriers own tracking tools. Your major work should arrive to you within three to five working days.
Hand Signed Posters:
If you live within the European Union you should allow 3 to 5 working days for your order to arrive. All other countries may take an additional 3 to 5 working days. You can follow your order online using the carriers own tracking tools.
For all other products:
Once payment is received, your purchase will be sent with German Post (standard air and surface mail). For international orders please allow a time span of around two weeks for your purchase to arrive. At an additional charge GoArt can register it for you.
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9. What if my artwork arrives damaged?
In the event that your artwork or poster arrives damaged, please Contact us immediately. Our customer care representative will guide you through your options. These will include replacing the damaged work (in the case of multiple editions), credit towards another purchase, or a full refund.
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10. What if an item is sold out?
We take every effort in trying to ensure that all items are well stocked. If however after placing an order you receive notification that an item is sold out you may have either your money refunded in full or wait until it is back in stock, this will usually take between 5 and 7 working days.
Please Note! Not covered in this policy are Major Works or limited editions. When a limited edition is sold out it is final. When purchasing Major works you will be first making a request to buy, so there is no guarantee that the work is on hand. The chance that an edition number has been sold out means that you may include up to ten different numbers with a dash between each one of them, for example: 7-25-53-100-105. If available you will be issued with the first corresponding number, or the closest one to any of these. If you have already paid and the entire Major Works edition series has been sold out, you will have a complete refund with all money paid back in full with no-questions asked.
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11. Does Garry take personal Photos?
We receive many requests though unfortunately Garry is bound to contractual agreements and this can make things somewhat limited. If however you feel that you would like to be the subject for the next official Garry Orriss portrait please send us a photo of yourself and your partner, include a brief description as to where you are from and as to why you feel you would be best suited to the portrait then leave the rest up to us. It cannot be guaranteed however Garry will at least see the photo, if it is considered interesting you will be contacted by telephone and the process will then start, it is also worth remembering that this is highly paid work. Please Note! It is impossible to return the photo as it will be kept on record so please make a copy.
Send your photos to:
Garry Orriss (GoArt)
Husemannstr. 23
10435 Berlin
Please Note! Garry does not work on any commercial shoots for other brand names or products. All his artistic energy is focused entirely on serving his own art.
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12. How does my poster purchase fund cancer research?
For every Hand-Signed Poster sold on the GoArt.com network we will donate €10.00 Euros to cancer and leukaemia research and for every Unsigned-Poster € 1.00 Euro, irrespective of the type of poster we sell. After you purchase your poster GoArt.com will forward the money onto a separate bank account earmarked for funding. Please Note that any customer wishing a refund for their unsigned poster will have a one €1.00 Euro fee deducted from their reimbursement, or in the case of a hand-signed poster € 10,00 Euros. For posters where the artist has written a personal or special message a refund is not possible. Sponsoring is an on going aim of the artist though may at anytime stop without prior warning or notice.
We are pleased to announce that Garry Orriss is funding the work of Dr. Susanne Schlisio of the Dana-Farber Cancer Research Institute in Boston, Massachusetts for her work into studying the key to developing pheochromocytomas or "pheos". Dr. Schlisio and her colleagues have since learned that activating EglN3 kills pheo cells and other neural crest-derived tumors. In contrast EglN3 does not cause cell death in other types of cancer they have examined to date. In short, EglN3 appears to play a special role in the decision between life and death for neural crest tumors such as Pheos. They are trying to understand the mechanisms by which EglN3 causes cell death because this understanding might, in time, allow us to induce pheo cells to die in patients, which would shrink existing tumors or prevent new pheos. We congratulate Dr. Schlisio and her colleagues for their important scientific breakthroughs in cancer research and wish them the very best. For more information on sponsoring please go to our Terms and Conditions Agreement.
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13. How do I make a GoArt donation?
If you feel inspired by what you have seen and would like to see your name on this website or be associated with GoArt.com you may do so by logging into your account and clicking on the GoArt Donation line. This is a one off donation so the more times you donate the more times your name will appear on GoArt. Donations over 100 Euros or Dollars will be highlighted in (RED) and over 500 in (BLUE).
Please Note! Shortly after you make a donation your name will appear on GoArt.com, so please allow time for this. The minimum GoArt donation is € 5.00 Euros or Dollars. It is not tax deductible nor is it refundable, so only donate if you are serious and willing to invest. If you would like to see who THE GOART DONORS ARE please click here.
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14. Can I send a gift to someone else?
You can send a gift to someone else in the same manner that you would have one sent to you. After filling out your personal details tick the box Someone Else from there you will be asked to fill out their name and address. When an item is sent you will be notified by us and given a link to the carrier as well as the order tracking number. Even though everything will be billed to your credit card you can track the shipping order to your friends house using the carrier´s own tracking tools. Please Note! To ensure accurate delivery we strongly urge that you re-check the address.
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15. What is your privacy policy?
This site is about true integrity and respect. It reflects the integrity of the artist and the respect he has for you the viewer. Garry Orriss, the Orriss Group, GoArt.com and the GoArt-Network are committed to respecting the privacy rights of each visitor. At no time will your email address or any other information be shared or used in anyway shape or form outside of the uses for this site. Please Note! Your online purchases alone require us to correspond and check that your credit card details and address match. This is done using the worlds most advanced Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and Global Server ID. More information about this can be found under section § 4. Security or § 19. Privacy.
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16. Can I use Garry´s images for my own personal use?
We receive many requests asking if it is possible to use a Garry Orriss image on a Personal Computer. Unfortunately due to licensing and contractual agreements that are in place worldwide the down loading of images and information on this website is illegal. If you would like to own something special we suggest that you go to Buying Art or email us to find out where you can buy products in your country. It may be possible that an image is available on application, please contact our corporate division via E-mail. If you would like to know more about the downside to using images without permission then go to our Copyright Notice.
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17. How do I add GoArt to my list of favourite websites?
To add GoArt to your favorite website list simply click on the red underlined bar at the base of each web-page. Your computer will then record our information for you. You may at anytime cancel this link or cookie from your own computer.
Add GoArt to your list of favorite websites
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18. What is your refund policy?
Our refund policy means that if you are unhappy with your purchase you will receive a full refund (minus restocking fee) and if it is through a mistake of ours we will pay your postage and make up the difference. All work must be in the original package with no protruding edges or damage to the artwork or contents inside and sent back to Goart within (14) days from the date of purchase. For international shipments contact us with your intention to return merchandise within (3) working days of delivery. You are responsible for all return shipping charges and we cannot accept responsibility for any lost or damaged returns. Customers should also use the same carrier or method of transport as we did, this may include insuring the artwork or contents. We do not accept cash on delivery, C.O.D. returns. Please Note! Refunds cost us money and for the following artworks there is no refund possible: (I) A Hand Signed Poster which has at the customers request been written with a special message or personal greeting by the artist. (II) Non refundable is money that has been donated by us to cancer research or any other social program through your poster purchase. Depending in which Zone posters are sold, any customer wishing a refund for their unsigned poster will have a $ 1.00 Euro or Dollar fee deducted from their refund, or in the case of Hand-Signed posters € 10,00 Euros. (III) Major Artworks and donations made to Goart.
(IV) A Sketchbook Diary commissioned work of art. Specially commissioned artworks are produced individually by the artist and only at the art buyer's request. After the shipment is received and processed you will be refunded your purchase price minus a 25% restocking fee, this is to cover the various costs from new materials to repackaging, studio or warehouse storage to third party transactions, commissions or fees. For products not mentioned specifically herein a refund is possible. For further information go to: www.goart.com >> Terms and Conditions >> Refund Policy or contact us for details.
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19. How are "Tell a Friend" email addresses used?
When you choose to tell a friend about the art of Garry Orriss, GoArt.com will only email them a short invitation to view his art. This is a one-time notification. Their email address will be deleted from our database and never used again. If you give your own email address it will not be deleted.
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